Hiking Through Bierstadt Lake
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Hiking Through Bierstadt Lake

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Our adventure through Rocky Mountain National Park began with a morning hike on the Bierstadt Trail on December 19th, 2021. We had just finished our last stay at the local Blue Door Inn at Estes Park and were beginning to wrap up the remainder of our trip with a 3-night stay in the Rockies.

We began at the Bierstadt Trailhead that morning, and shortly after starting, we had to put on our ice spikes to climb through the frozen snow and ice. The view from the trail was absolutely incredible, something I had never seen before in my life! Each switchback we traversed brought us higher and higher up the trail, and each time the views of the mountains got even better.

Once we finally made it up the hillside, we trekked through the forest trails and finally made our way to Bierstadt Lake. Everything was covered in snow, comparable to a Thomas Kinkade or Bob Ross painting. It was also incredibly quiet, and every 20 yards or so we would come across deer tracks in the snow that would twist and turn around the trees.

Finally, we made it to Bierstadt Lake, and it was incredibly cool. The view was very serene, and the outer perimeter of the lake was frozen solid. We took a few pictures together and took some time to take in all of the views, and then began making our trek back down the trail. It is safe to say this hike was one of the highlights of our trip to Colorado!

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