    JAN 5 2023    
How to Navigate Camping.Tools
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How to Navigate Camping.Tools

Disclosure: Opinions, camping practices, and experiences expressed with articles posted here or otherwise via user-generated content posted elsewhere on this site are solely the authors’ and do not reflect the opinions, beliefs, camping practices, or experiences of this website or Camping Tools, Inc.

New to our community? We are here to help make sure you know how to navigate Camping.Tools seamlessly!

The Camping.Tools community is one that is ready to equip members with all they need to be able to make memories that last a lifetime. Our app helps keep your camping experiences alive in one place without the worry that every person on the internet will have access.

Made for campers, by campers, we promise to help keep your memories alive while also private and secure. This app is a platform of its own that promises the ability to be a part of a like minded community securely.

With Camping.Tools you can keep a private camping journal or share with friends, write stories for all to see, and buy or sell camping gear in a secure location. 

The Dashboard                                                  

It all begins at the dashboard, the basecamp or starting point with every login. At the top, you will see all of the trips you have logged or an option to add a trip if you have not done so yet. 

The media section holds all photos and videos shared from all trips! 

There is also a friends section that shows a list of friends you have invited to be a part of your camping journeys. This is an easy way to access other friend’s profiles. Simply click a friend’s name to check out their user profile and enjoy their camping memories. You can also see what friends are selling by viewing their profile.

At the bottom of this page, you will see all of your travel stories, which are public stories you share with the community as a whole.

 The Camping.Tools dashboard showcases it all and is insanely user-friendly. It’s always the perfect place to start!

Managing Your Profile

Within Camping.Tools you have two types of profiles, a personal profile and a merchant profile. 

A personal profile is for you to be able to set a personal profile picture, a description of yourself, your email, and your notification settings. A merchant profile is intended for people to know how to contact you to buy items you list for sale. There, you will set your public name, email, and shipping address.

Having these separate profiles aids in protecting personal information you may not want everyone to know!

Navigating with the Menu                           

On the left of all webpages, you will find the menu. The menu is where you can go to add to a trip, see all of your trips and writings, and manage your media. The community area on the menu bar allows you to navigate to public stories and the app’s marketplace. 

Just like the dashboard holds everything, the menu bar is there to make navigating to every aspect of the website an extremely easy process. 


The Trips section of the site is where you have access to all trips you have documented and is also where you go to share about your trip from start to finish. 

In the trips section you are able to upload media, share campsites, and write journal entries. You will also find trips you have shared with others and trips shared with you in this section!

A great feature of our trips section is the automatic timeline. The timeline automatically shares pieces of your trip in order and keeps everything organized. 

Setting up trips is a breeze on our site! Check out the video below to see just how simple it can be!                             

Manage your Writings - Stories & Journals   

Within Camping.Tools there are two different types of writings, journal entries and travel stories.

Travel stories are for the community to enjoy. Simply click on the plus button within the writings tab, choose the travel story option and you are ready to write! These type of stories can be advice driven, about a topic you are passionate about within the camping realm, or about a trip you took. 

Journal entries can be added by clicking the plus button in the writing section and selecting the journal option. Check out more on managing writings at the video below!

Media, Photos for all Trips                          

Media can easily be added by accessing the media section of the app. Before uploading you can add tags, descriptions, and set privacy settings. Photos aren’t all that can be uploaded. Also upload videos and add youtube videos to your media!

Camping.Tools has really worked hard to make their site as user friendly as possible, which makes media a breeze!

Adding Friends                                             

Friends are the ones that you want to have access to your trips, media, and writings. Because the app is completely free, inviting friends who would be interested in your trips is an easy ask.

To easily access your friends list, click on the top right friends icon. There you can manage friends and invite friends.

When working on logging a trip, you can choose which friends to share it with easily!


One of my favorite features of the Camping.Tools site is the marketplace. Within the marketplace, you have the ability to list and shop. Buying and listing is simple and secure. Post your used or excess camping items for sale or buy and have it shipped to your door! 

We hope this helps you navigate Camping.Tools like a pro. This site offers a great community where we can all learn from one another and provides a great opportunity to chronicle adventures!

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