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Breaking Bread: Campfire Style
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Breaking Bread: Campfire Style

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Breaking Bread: Campfire Style

One of my favorite things about camping is the food. My husband loves to cook over an open fire. And everything tastes better when cooked and eaten outside. We own several dutch ovens and iron skillets. They are perfect for outside cuisine. From pot roast to cobbler, we have honed our recipes and tricks. There is nothing like coming in from a day on the boat, kayaking, hiking or exploring, and eating a campfire meal.

Those campfire meals are always better with family and friends. Being with those who are important to you is crucial. I have never heard anyone on their deathbed saying they wish they had worked more, made more money, drove a nicer car, or built a larger home. They wish they had spent more time and made more memories. Dying people would give away everything they have to spend one more day with those they love.

So? Why do we wait until our deathbed to realize what is most important?  Memories, not materials, are the key to happiness in this life. Planting memories in others will be their comfort if something does happen. Enjoy yourself, and make memories.

  Mark 6:31 He said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a little while” —for there were many [people who were continually] coming and going, and they could not even find time to eat.


Even Jesus made time to get away from the hustle and bustle to break bread with the disciples. Jesus is talking here, but it can be applied spiritually also. The crowds had sought him all day, each wanting something. Sound familiar? 

We have crowds in our everyday life also. People and things that need our attention, like your boss wants you to take on another position. The church needs a Sunday School teacher. The school needs you to head the fundraiser. The kids are demanding your attention. The house is a disaster, laundry, laundry, laundry, and the list goes on and on. It is exhausting!!

It is essential for us to get away and eat physically and spiritually. Let’s explore the physical side first.

We have camped in almost every type of camper and tent over the years. Sometimes we destination camp ( fancy campground), sometimes we camp as close to the water as we can ( lake or beach), and sometimes we camp secluded. It doesn’t matter where you choose to camp as much as how you choose to camp. Slow down. Remember not to make your agenda so full that you feel worse when you get home. 

Now, after that word of caution, let’s break some bread together:

Meals on the campfire are celebrated in our family. Ok, I confess sometimes we do use the grill also. It is still outside and includes fire, right? One of our favorite go-to meals is foil packs. These are so easy to do, and there is virtually no clean up. Yay!

 Here is our foil pack recipe:

You will need the following ingredients and heavy-duty aluminum foil.

  • Corn (on the cob or off)
  • Squash
  • Zucchini
  • Potatoes
  • Onions
  • Carrots
  • Tomatoes
  • Chicken, Steak, or meat of your choice
  • Butter
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Your favorite sauce (BBQ)
  • A permanent marker

Build your fire so that the coals can heat during prep.


  • Cut all the vegetables up and place them on different plates. 
  • Prepare each person with two pieces of aluminum foil

Now for the buffet line. Each person fills their foil with their favorite ingredients making sure to add butter and/or their favorite sauces. When finished, fold the packet carefully, ensuring it will not leak. Each person can use the marker to write their name on their pack. This makes it easy to decide who’s is who’s.


Now the fire should have some hot coals around it. Place the packs around the fire. Cooking time varies due to fire temperatures. We have found that 45 minutes usually does the trick.

Keep the fire burning!

Now every one needs a little dessert after dinner. Roasting marshmallows is fantastic but can become redundant so let’s make some campfire cobbler. 

Campfire Cobbler in a Dutch Oven:

This recipe was handed down from my great-grandmother. She always said, “A cup, a cup.” I am from the south, so you bet this is delicious. 


  • A cup of flour (self-rising)
  • A cup of sugar
  • A cup of milk
  • Your favorite fruit ( we like peaches, blackberries, and apples)


Mix the first three ingredients in a bowl and set it aside. Prep your dutch oven by coating it with butter or oil, or a trick we like to use is a crockpot liner. Cover the bottom of the dutch oven with fruit and pour the flour mixture on top.


Prep a place in the hot coals of the fire and place your dutch oven there. Carefully shovel some hot coals on top of the lid also. Baking times vary, but usually, 30 minutes will be enough. Enjoy!

Ok, now that we are good and hungry, let’s talk about breaking bread spiritually. 


Acts 2:42 ESV

And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.

Hebrews 10:25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

Jesus made it clear in his teaching that there is something about breaking bread together. He repeatedly fed the people. He even multiplied bread and fish as he broke it to feed multitudes. There is strength in spending time with family and other believers. He was devoted to it. Why?

Jesus is a Jew. In the Jewish custom, eating meals together is significant and celebrates God’s commitment. In the temple from the old testament, there were 12 loves of bread arranged into two stacks of six. This was to be baked fresh every sabbath, and then the old bread could be eaten by the priests.

These loaves of bread commemorated the 12 tribes of Isreal and God’s provisions. It marked the Manna that fell from Heaven during the 40 years they were in the wilderness. It was a sign that God would provide all they needed if they would just trust Him.

Breaking bread together in fellowship is excellent for the body and soul. Breaking bread around a campfire is perfect.








ShelleyEdited JUN. 29, 2023 AT 11:33 AM

The cobbler sounds so yummy....its definitely on my list!

do you have anymore good ideas?

CreghinkleEdited JUN. 29, 2023 AT 11:33 AM

Can’t wait to try those recipes

TheOutdoorNavigatorEdited JUN. 29, 2023 AT 11:33 AM

These recipes sound delicious. I will try these out with the family on our next camping trip. Thanks for sharing!

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