    DEC 18 2021    
Boulder/Chautauqua Adventures
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Boulder/Chautauqua Adventures

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The first real night of our Colorado trip, we spent in Boulder, Colorado. In preparation for actually camping in Rocky Mountain Natl Park, we stayed at the Foot of the Mountain Hotel where we spent a couple of days preparing for our camping trip. First, we explored historic downtown Boulder and did some souvenir shopping, and picked up our necessary gear. I purchased Black Diamond microspikes to help with the hike we will do in the coming days. To help warm up I indulged in some spiced apple cider at Trident Booksellers and Cafe. After browsing a few of the local stores we finished out the day with dinner from Chimera Ramen.

The next day we went to Chautauqua Park and did the Royal Arch hiking trail. The trail totaled about 4 miles out and back, overall the length of the trail isn't what contributed to the difficulty, but the change in elevation where we climbed about 1500 feet in 2 miles. Doing the hike after a cold front also offered its own set of challenges. Keeping my feet warm was the main thing I had to worry about, but ultimately made it down from the trail in a reasonable time. Overall the hike was very enjoyable and would definitely recommend it in pretty much any weather.


2PeepsnafarmEdited JUN. 29, 2023 AT 11:33 AM

I love this. Thanks for sharing. I now have Boulder on my list of places. Safe travels 🙏

InfusedAdventuresEdited JUN. 29, 2023 AT 11:33 AM

Wow! Sounds like an adventurous trip thus far. Loving the pics! Keep ‘em coming. Have fun making memories & enjoy the journey.

RobertEdited JUN. 29, 2023 AT 11:33 AM

Looks amazing!

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