Filtered by tag: wild camping
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People drive hundreds of miles to visit a good waterfall. Each state boasts its own famous falls that draw in outdoor adventurers like moths to a flame, with some of the most prestigious receiving millions of tourists each year.  Unfortunately, excessive visitation can pose some issues. Waterfalls get crowded and decidedly un-magical. Parking areas and trails are overrun with trash, and once-pristine locations become loud and dirty.  Want to avoid all that? Get off the beaten path. &nb...


Boondocking is free camping on public land in locations without amenities like electrical hookups, water, or modern restrooms. Basically, you dock your RV out in the “boonies.” If you want to take a break from crowded campgrounds and RV parks and you really want to get away from it all, wild camping is the best way to do it.  The main drawback to boondocking (also known as dry docking) is that you have to haul in your water, manage your power, and deal with your sewage. While boondocking ca...