user-avatarAlice Joined: 03-31-2022
Nature lover, full-time writer, mother of four.
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The Blue Ridge Mountains have one of the world's longest and most colorful fall seasons. The mountains are gorgeous any time of year, but when the rolling terrain turns into an explosion of fall colors in October, they are absolutely jaw-dropping.  Leaves begin changing at the highest elevations first, usually near the beginning of October but sometimes as early as late September. The colors spread down the mountainsides into the deepest valleys in the days leading up to Halloween. The land...


Car camping is a great way to get into nature without working too hard. You don’t need an expensive RV. Instead, you just toss everything you need into your vehicle, drive right up to your campsite, and set up shop. The process allows you to carry more convenience items than backpacking, so if you aren’t entirely sold on the idea of roughing it, car camping is a nice compromise.  Car camping makes it easy to pack heavy camping gear, cook tasty meals in the great outdoors, and bring essentia...


With more than half a million acres of Appalachian landscape to explore, Pisgah National Forest is a nature lover’s paradise. Nestled in the westernmost part of North Carolina and wrapping around Ashville, Pisgah is home to jaw-dropping mountain views, whitewater rivers, towering waterfalls, and abundant outdoor recreational opportunities.  Pisgah was the first tract of land purchased under the Weeks Act , which authorized the federal government to buy private land to preserve and protect r...


For millennia, the stars have been compasses and calendars. The ancients even used the celestial bodies in the night sky to predict the future. An unobstructed view of the pristine Milky Way in all its glory can be a richly spiritual experience. No wonder our primitive ancestors looked skyward with awe and often worshipped the stars as divine guardians.  Unfortunately, expanding cities and the resulting light pollution have obstructed our modern view of the heavenly bodies spinning in the s...


Although national parks like Yellowstone , Yosemite , and Grand Canyon in the western United States tend to draw the public spotlight, several national parks back East deserve just as much attention. It may be surprising to some that the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, which straddles the border of North Carolina and Tennessee, draws more than 10 million visitors each year, making it the most visited national park in the country (Sorry, Yellowstone).  With over 800 miles of hiking trai...


In the old days, when Grandma and Grandpa had to hike barefoot uphill both ways to their favorite camping spot, campers relied heavily on word-of-mouth recommendations and campground guidebooks to find the best places. Those days are long gone, and the internet reigns supreme when it comes to camping guides.  Finding the best campsites in Virginia state parks largely depends on your camping style. If you’re hauling a travel trailer across the country, your camping needs will be a far cry di...


Boondocking is free camping on public land in locations without amenities like electrical hookups, water, or modern restrooms. Basically, you dock your RV out in the “boonies.” If you want to take a break from crowded campgrounds and RV parks and you really want to get away from it all, wild camping is the best way to do it.  The main drawback to boondocking (also known as dry docking) is that you have to haul in your water, manage your power, and deal with your sewage. While boondocking ca...


Feeding kids can be tricky, even with all the comforts of civilization. However, when you can’t just run to the corner fast food joint to pick up their favorite chicken nuggets on a family camping trip, keeping them happy and satisfied gets even more complicated.  It can be tempting just to let hot dogs be the star of every meal on the camping menu. But hot dogs can lose their appeal pretty quickly for adult campers, plus they aren’t exactly packed with adventure-fueling nutrition.  Yo...


Approximately 83 percent of Americans drink coffee . Those numbers prove coffee, whether enjoyed steaming hot or iced cold, is an important morning ritual for most of us. It’s easy to brew a cup at home or make a quick stop at a popular coffee shop on your way to work. However, getting a decent cup of coffee when you’re camping is a whole other story.  We give up a lot of daily pleasures when we head into the great outdoors. While most campers are willing to sacrifice hot showers, air condi...


Solo camping is one way to escape the bustle of everyday life, connect with nature, and enjoy deep introspection. While camping is statistically safer than going to the grocery store, many women feel anxious about going alone.  There are universal concerns every solo camper must face, but there are some dangers unique to women adventurers. However, with some planning, preparation, and a proper mindset, there’s no reason female solo campers can’t experience refreshing solitude in nature.&nbs...

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